Support for Indramat Motion Control


Indramat TDM

Indramat Controls keep Indramat servo motors following their instructions. Basically, the controls tell the servos what position they should move to.

The servo motor moves to the desired position and stays there, waiting for the next set of instructions. Even if the instructions are the same, the controls have to  repeat the instructions again and again. Servo motors show no initiative: they live to serve.

Your Indramat Controls work with drives and servo motors to create a complete motion control system.

Controls are modular, so when you need a new control, you can remove the old one and put in a new one.

Make sure that you have a good copy of the file of parameters before you do this. Just in case.

Popular Indramat Controls:

  • Indramat CLC Controls
  • Indramat CLM Controls
  • Indramat PPC Controls

Contact us for help with your Indramat controls.